- Mugabe often said he'd transform Zimbabwe in the perfect Maoist state; he surely kept his promise.
- I'd recommend to US friends & foes to disregard whatever comes out of this administration; it won't last & it's not America
- If ur shy, introverted, become a muslim; nobody in the pc West will dare to mock u anymore. http://bit.ly/buO33e
- @travelfish u ignore that skin clearing creams are the 1st selling product in Africa & Caribbean...
- @brooksbayne the Tunguska batch, I think
- I just signed the pledge to RememberNovember, do the same by visiting http://RememberNovember.com
- "Researchers “Addicted” to Bogus Internet Studies" Yup. Nowadays, this is what passes for science on BBC, CNN & NYT
- Ciao Fini! http://bit.ly/aYNIv9
- Panic about volcanic ash over Britain which closed British airspace for five days was completely unfounded. http://bit.ly/9vVwba
- Is this how NYT hopes to survive? Writing for vegan pacifist gauche caviar pinkos like it was the 60's? http://nyti.ms/aAaG4h
- "Chomsky Warns of Rise of Far Right in US" Which is of course a natural reaction to Far Left policies http://is.gd/bHPax
- Let me get this straight: Obama is profiling air travellers but Arizona can't profile immigrants? http://is.gd/bHPvW
- “Four years of talking down to me and asking me to pay for it.” http://is.gd/bHRDq
- A Southern accent now...these ppl have no dignity http://is.gd/bHTAy
- “We Are All Israelis” http://is.gd/bHUsr Faster, please!
- Mark Steyn cleans the floor with Bill "Pardons for Sale" Clinton. http://is.gd/bHW0d
Monday, April 26, 2010
Latest from the Captain
Monday, April 12, 2010
Latest from the Captain
- Beta Blackberry twitter app seems very nice, solid and fast; I'll keep u posted.
- Lots of rubbish flying around the net about Bangkok red shirts; follow @bangkokpundit if you want to know http://bit.ly/9RSACK
- Quite happy w/ Twitter for Blackberry; give it a try and let me know.
- Obama To Host Nuclear Conference http://bit.ly/9wKRgv The incarnation of Affirmative Action keeps BS#itting his way thru life
- Enjoy! How many times can you find urself in agreement w/ islamists after all? http://is.gd/boX2w
- Obama's false accounting for defense; New START now counts 1 bomber (which can contain up to 20 bombs) as 1 bomb. Result: useless treaty
- @KurtSchlichter Watch Chuck Norris flicks over & over again!
- The most important thing to this president is how you feel and what you say, not all those annoying facts. http://is.gd/bpaDQ Funny!
- Would you fly on a Tupolev? http://is.gd/bpaTV
- "Lo sfregio di Praga" Che schifo... http://is.gd/bpcdd
- "Da oggi il mondo è più sicuro, hanno detto Obama e Medvedev" Continuiamo a prenderci per il c%lo. http://is.gd/bpcnE
- Dopo il sequestro Mastrogiacomo http://is.gd/bpdet ho pochi dubbi che Emergency sia coinvolta http://is.gd/bpdi6 Strada e' un estremista
- L'Unita', toccato il fondo da tempo (e io pago...), continua a scavare imperterrita http://is.gd/bpdsO
- "In Sudafrica uccidere un bianco non è reato" qualcuno comincia ad accorgersene. Grazie ai mondiali di calcio? http://is.gd/bpdzh
- "Vietnamese Prime Minister said the elections in Burma should be fair, democratic, with the participation of all parties" http://is.gd/bpf21
- Dicono che questa sia l'età dell'egoismo. Sbagliano. E' l'età dell'ipocrisia. http://is.gd/blkxz
- "Ahmadinejad wants to relocate 5millions from Tehran over quake fears" http://is.gd/bpfpz This stinks to high heaven.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Latest from the Captain
- La Russia sostiene di voler combattere il terrorismo islamico ma appoggia regimi islamisti http://is.gd/b7S46
- se Silvio non avesse vietato Le trasmissioni di Floris e Santoro avrebbe vinto anche Puglia, Basilicata e Liguria. http://is.gd/b7T9h
- The MDC’s political dominance : change is inevitable. Faster, please. http://is.gd/b7U26
- Take it w/ a pinch of salt (from Debka): G8 skips Iran sanctions to boost secret US opening to Revolutionary Guards. http://is.gd/b7U9i
- Olavo de Carvalho on Communism in Latin America. Don't miss it! http://is.gd/b7UzZ
- Good Ole Movies: Billy Budd (1962) http://post.ly/WvXg
- Good Old Movies: The Year of Living Dangerously (1982) http://post.ly/Wvoh
- Good Old Movies: To Have and Have Not (1944) http://post.ly/Ww9Q
- Recruiting Somali pirates against Iran? Why not! http://bit.ly/dbyXsy
- Bolton 2 Netanyahu: 4 God’s sake get on w/ it before Obama destroys U; the fate of the free world rests on yr shoulders.http://bit.ly/dhRNlp
Good Old Movies: To Have and Have Not (1944)
Forget Hemingway, this film has very little to do with the novel of the same name. Nevertheless, it is one of my favorite movies. Why? Because Humphrey Bogart is in it, because Lauren Bacall is in it and because Walter Brennan is in it!
“Slim” is as sexy as she can be. When she sings “Am I blue” with Hoagy Carmichael at the piano you’ll get shivers down your spine.
The bond between “Steve” and “Slim” is immediately evident (and we all know how it ended up...). However, I have always wondered if my favorite cinematographic couple’s chemistry would have worked in “Casablanca" (“To have and have not” tries unsuccessfully to remix all of Casablanca elements): would Bacall have been better than Bergman? I must admit that Ingrid Bergman is much more appropriate than Lauren Bacall for the part of saintly companion to a Resistance hero; had she been played by “Slim”, she and Rick would still be making wild love in Paris!
Re-watch it, if only for “Eddie” doing the forgetful drunk and “Cricket” playing and singing…
Information © IMDb.com
Good Old Movies: The Year of Living Dangerously (1982)
Great movie with a young but convincing Mel Gibson and a very sexy Sigourny Weaver. The collapse of the Soukarno regime in Indonesia in 1965 and Soukarto’s take over.
Information © IMDb.com
Good Ole Movies: Billy Budd (1962)
Information © IMDb.com
Fantastic moral drama based on Melville’s novel. An excellent Peter Ustinov, a terrifying Robert Ryan and a surprisingly handsome (if not beautiful) and innocent-looking Terence Stamp at his debut (I think).
If you haven’t watched it, do it now; if you have, watch it again!