Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Wishful thinking

If the political opposition in Italy cared about people and democracy, it would respond to the latest terrorist threats like this:

"You know we have always been against the liberation of Iraq and against our government alliance with the Coalition; however, your warnings leave us no choice but to side with the government and not give in to your threats. No country, wishing to remain a sovereign state, will ever give in to the threats of sadistic thugs bent on the destruction of what we believe is the way of a civilized society. Those countries who do, abjectly surrender their dignity and have nothing more to contribute to the world. All that is left to them is shame. Naturally, extremists among us, too long tolerated, welcome you and would gladly accept your demands for the chaos they would generate. They hope this would give them a last chance to seize power; but we have been through this before and know how to deal with it. Beware."

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