Mugabe is reaping his harvest
The racist and suicidal regime of Robert Mugabe is very happy with the land reform it has carried out and its results for Zimbabwe:
Gono also blasted new commercial farmers who had been alloted land seized by the state from white owners, for not producing enough.
"I want to deplore our level of yields which is very low, pathetically low," Gono said.
"It is an insult to the land reform programme. It is nothing short of criminal," he said, adding that some people were using farms allocated to them as "holiday resorts or assets to show off with."
“Since 2002 our output for maize has been below national requirements with output for 2005/2006 estimated at about 750 000 tonnes,” the document read in part.
Gono’s admission is the first by a senior government official that Zimbabwe has failed to feed itself since Mugabe began his land seizures that destabilised the mainstay agricultural sector.
The RBZ chief further noted that private commercial banks were also reluctant to fund the new black farmers chiefly because they do not hold title to the land allocated to them by the government and also because they were largely considered “problematic when it comes to repayment”.
Crippling foreign currency and fuel shortages would only help worsen the plight of farmers, who already have to grapple with rising costs of scarce inputs such as fertilizer and seed, according to Gono.
Before the farm seizures, Zimbabwe was a regional breadbasket exporting food to its neighbours and beyond while its economy was one of Africa’s strongest.
Is he just pretending to be an idiot or is he really retarded? What did he expect? You use land to bribe people and prop up the regime and expect food to come out? You make the land State property according to your failed “scientific socialism” principles and hope for the banks to hand out money to the farmers?
Resorting once again to the blame game, Mugabe, having badly botched the land reform, now tells Britain to compensate the farmers:
Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa said a constitutional amendment Mugabe signed August 30 that strips landowners of their right to appeal expropriation "finally settled the land question in Zimbabwe." "All title deeds of the farmers have been canceled, with the British government having sole responsibility to compensate the evicted farmers," Chinamasa told state radio.
Which of course Britain has repeatedly offered to do in exchange for an orderly, well planned and economically viable exercise. Too late now, Bob.
But barbaric racism and insatiable greed continue unabated:
Commercial Farmers Union official Ben Kaschula said Canadian coffee farm owner David Wilding-Davies and his South African manager Allan Warner had Thursday been allowed by doctors to go home after receiving treatment for injuries when they were beaten Wednesday by a mob trying to force them off a farm about 350 kilometers (200 miles) south of the capital.
The attack was the first since Didymus Mutasa, head of Mugabe's feared secret police, the Central Intelligence Organization, described remaining white farmers as "filth" and said an operation would be launched to "rid the country of remaining whites."
Today one US dollar is worth 65.000 zimbabwe dollars and the price of bread has doubled.
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