Chavez is a bad loser
All this is probably due to the forthcoming Venezuelan Legislative elections due on Dec 4, 2005:
Mexico has threatened to sever diplomatic ties with Venezuela as relations between the two worsen. The Mexican government says President Hugo Chavez must apologise for describing his Mexican counterpart as a puppy dog for US imperialism.After the pathetic figure he cut at the recent Latin American Summit, despite having deployed his professional flag-burners, drug addicts and oil-bribed communist puppets, he now resorts to threats:
But, on his weekly radio show this Sunday, Mr Chavez warned President Vicente Fox "not to mess with him".
At the meeting, the US and Mexico were unable to win backing for a resumption of talks on the FTAA. They faced opposition from five of the 34 countries attending, among them Venezuela and the host, Argentina. The other 29 nations - including Mexico - said they wanted to resume talks on the free trade agreement in 2006.
However, Chavez can always count on the unwavering support and eternal gratitude of the narcoterrorists:
La IV Cumbre se constituyo en arrollador triunfo político y económico de las fuerzas antiimperialistas, bolivarianas, de la izquierda revolucionaria y de los pueblos en el nuevo Siglo al conseguir la derrota del tratado más lesivo que nos ha querido imponer el Estado y el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América. Gracias compañeros presidentes Chávez, Fidel, Kirchner, y demás líderes de los pueblos hermanos que con su abnegación, espíritu de sacrificio, valor y compromiso con nuestros propios intereses de clase nos han librado de otra pesada carga económica con graves repercusiones sociales en la gente más pobre de las bellas y ricas tierras de las Américas del futuro.
"otra pesada carga"
The irony . . .
Very appropriate title!!
Chavez es una mierda.
Don't translate it, just learn how to pronounce it.
(Bush, Fox and Castro tambien)
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