Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Celebrity leftism

A brilliant (as usual) piece by Roger Simon on the puerile opinions of celebrities:

By making the pronouncements they do, they are trying to convince the audience of their own seriousness and their own goodness (their own value). But most of all they are trying to convince themselves. Fragile egos, not inflated ones, are at work here.

This brought to my mind an interview on BBC (Hardtalk, I think) with Jane Fonda I watched a few weeks ago. I took some notes at the time:

This woman has done her best to avoid growing up; no amount of men, money, experience has touched her. She talks of her adventure in North Vietnam as "enlightening" without for a second realizing that she was being used and manipulated. When pressed about her childish stance, she falls back on conspiracy theories: - The Administration (this one) controls the Media and everything else -. She is delusional, desperate to appear, deeply insecure.

What a waste.

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