Friday, July 01, 2005

The Guardian defends Mugabe, poor thing

I stumbled upon this article (via Rantburg). As you can imagine I don't usually read the Guardian, but this piece, written by a John Vidal (he is the Guardian's environment editor!), really made me wonder. Only once before I read such an apology of Mr Mugabe; some racist idiot writing for a Barbados rag who clearly had never set foot in Africa.

I suggest you write to Mr Vidal and tell him what you think of his "analysis".

the driving force behind the slums of Africa and Asia is not bad governance or tyrants, but laissez-faire globalisation, the tearing down of trade barriers, the privatisation of national economies, structural adjustment programmes imposed on indebted countries by the IMF, and the lowering of tariffs promoted by the World Trade Organisation.

Ah, now we understand, comrade.

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