Thursday, August 11, 2005

Hope in Saudi Arabia

From the just returned to the blogworld Religious Policeman: the relatives of the released prisoners are quoted as saying. Why were they imprisoned? For being reformists of course. You can have sex with pre-pubescent girls in Saudi Arabia, and be a newspaper hero. But advocating political reform is a crime, and you get banged up for it. Then we bang up your lawyers as well.

Abdullah pardons 5 Saudi Reformers

The papers and TV are full of Abdullah's mercy, wisdom etc., ignoring the fact that he put them in gaol in the first place, in the name of King Fahd who was:

- gaa-gaa
- in Marbella, Spain
- exchanging fluids with his intravenous Johnny Walker drip

at the time of their arrest and trial.

Any other country, you'd sue the hell out of everyone for wrongful arrest. In Saudi, the same relatives have to perform the humiliating ritual of Worshipping and Adoring the Royal Buttocks.

Bah. Let’s pretend that this is “the beginning of a beautiful friendship", if not, “we'll always have Paris".

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