Monday, August 08, 2005



"[...] Even the plain fact that Al-Qaida has an office in Kasimpasa, in the middle of Istanbul, where they publish this [Kaide] magazine, is frightening. Despite the publishers' claim that they only have 'emotional ties' with Al Qaeda, the entire Kaide magazine is prepared like an Al-Qaida bulletin. On the London attacks their headline reads: 'Al-Qaida is freeing the World' and many pages are dedicated to the statements by Al-Qaida. The Kaide magazine boasts of the beheadings in Afghanistan and Iraq by saying 'the jihad fighters continue to behead!' and all its pages are filled with frightening statements and threats. Kaide also displays the ties between IBDA-C [...] and Al Qaeda.

From Turkish Weekly:

Ninety-one percent of the Turkish public expressed a negative opinion about the al-Qaeda organization known for its terrorist operations.
A poll conducted by the International Strategic Research Organization (ISRO) under the coordination of Director Sedat Laciner and Ihsan Bal revealed that none of the participants said, “I am happy with al-Qaeda’s attacks” nor have they said, “Al-Qaeda defends Muslims’ rights”.
[perhaps the question was: ”do you take milk with your coffee?”]

I am confused.

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