The root cause
A very good blogger asked me to comment on the following (I am flattered):
Hello Marlow, Here is a copy of one of my posts in response to the recent bombings in London. I am copying it here as I would be interested to know what you think of it:
And the only solution
Somebody just emailed me this message which puts the only solution to terrorism in a nutshell, and into the correct perspective:
".....'The root cause of almost all terrorism, for perhaps 10,000 years, has been a widely held belief in the existence of conflicting Gods who protect and reward (or penalize) their adherents. There is no empirical evidence anywhere supporting this very dubious hypothesis. As long as such a highly irrational belief continues to shackle mankind, successful terrorists will continue to provide headlines for a venal media, which is what they are trying to do. Let's get used to it and shut up'. ..."
Dear Ingrid,
I had a long look at the comment you sent me and this is what I think:
Forget religion. This war (like all wars) has nothing to do with religion, it’s all about power. Religion is the means to mobilize the masses (like the promise of a classless society or a just world). Simple, stark, black and white ideas have always been used to get hold of weak minds in search of absolutes and immediate rewards.
Every totalitarian regime has extracted these ideas from the cultural background it found itself operating in and utilized them to gather, brainwash and exploit the worst and weakest elements of their societies for its own purposes.
The similarities among past totalitarian ideologies and methodologies are clear: Hitler, Stalin, Mao and co., pretended to act in the name of the people, preached about a new world order, established brainwashing institutions. There is very little difference between the Hitler Youth, the Communist Youth, The Youth League and the Madrassas.
So this is just another war, albeit complicated by a world more and more interdependent and by a technology that allows war to reach everywhere. It must be fought on various fronts simultaneously: military, political, diplomatic and cultural, both abroad and at home.
The major problem I see, especially in Europe, is a reluctance to recognize reality and act upon it. Our governments have done a good job themselves in hiding their shady deals with oil producing countries and now we pay the consequences.
Tony Blair, aware that the public, sadly only after the 7/7 massacre, is ready to accept sterner measure against terrorists and their supporters, is on the right track. Think about it: what is more natural, even ethical, than demanding that asylum seekers, immigrants and visitors respect the “home rules”? Nothing; it should have been so from the beginning and only our misguided multiculturalism (or dependence on oil?) has prevented us from using the most basic common sense. This is only the first step, of course, and we are late to the fight.
Although islamofascism, like a wounded hyena eating its own entrails, carries within itself its own demise, like communism and nazism before it, the more we dither the more blood will be shed.
“Beware of a man who says believe in God as I do, otherwise God will punish you. Because he would say tomorrow, believe in God as I do, otherwise I will kill you.” (Voltaire)
Agree. The new motto for Britain, or any currently "multicultural" society for that matter, should be changed to:
"Integrate, or Get Out"
Whatever happened to the old maxim, "When in Rome...?"
I disagree to a large extent.
I think the root cause of terrorism is marginalization of peasants. When people are ill-fed, ill-clothed, ill-educated and without adequate shelter or fresh water, it becomes very easy for extremist demagogues of ALL stripes to offer them false solutions.
You may be interested in an article I wrote about terrorism and failed states.
Dear Marlow,
Thank you for your most interesting reply.
I have published a post on it at my personal blog:
And, copied it in the comments at
Also, yesterday I emailed a copy of your above post to the person who sent me the email mentioned in it.
Here is his reply, received this morning:
Very glad to see someone who disagrees with me for a change, Ingrid.
I would like to respond, but don't know how to do that.
Maybe you can quote me, as follows:
"The godless totalitarians, idealists to a man, promised to create heaven on earth for subsequent generations only. As we now see, their recipe was not only flawed, it actually sabotaged the cause of the working man and the farmer --- the unfortunate targets of their theoretical aspirations."
"Islam, like all the other 10,000 or so beliefs that subscribe collectively to the deeply flawed Divine Hypothesis, promises miraculous answers to prayer and sacrifice in this life and joy in the lilfe to come. It's tempting but dangerous to lump them all into the same category with the totalitarians. Hitler was a dreadful nuisance for 12 years. Lenin managed to fool everyone for about 75 years. Mohammed finished the Koran and died in 632, accumulating, during the 1400 years since then, the present congregation of over a billion enthusiastic Muslims. Joseph Smith transcribed the teachings of Moroni in 1838 and has inspired the 'fastest growing religion in the world' (Newsweek). There are probably more Mormons today than there are Jews. Who was the winner?"
"I don't buy the idea that it's all the same bucket of worms. Nor do I agree that the brands of terror practiced by Crusaders, Ku-Klux Klansmen, Mau-mau, Algerian fundamentalists and half-witted British Muslims are similar in character to the official brutality of settled governments such as the Nazis".
"What's to be done? First of all, study hard to become a Realist. Then try and help the ignorant and the supersitious to shake off their comfortable chains of 'followership' --- so that one distant day they (more probably, their descendents) will become independent enough to be able to avoid, like the plague, the airy promises of gods and idealists."
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