Monday, November 14, 2005


Abuja - Africa's most powerful leaders have agreed that a government was needed for the poorest continent to hold its own among the world's other regional blocs. Revisiting an idea that goes back decades and was once championed under the banner of "pan-Africanism" by Ghana's first president, Kwame Nkrumah, the leaders said the union should not only be of governments but also of the African people.
"The necessity for eventual union government is not in doubt," said a collective statement at the end of a two-day conference in the Nigerian capital, Abuja. Participants included President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria, Africa's most populous country, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia, the second most populous, and President Thabo Mbeki.

You can laugh or you can cry, but Africa's surprises never stop.

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This is Zimbabwe said...

Apologies for using your comments in this way but couldn't find your email address.

We recently moved our blog to a new site with a changed address. We're trying to build a decent blogroll of African blogs, and we've added your blog to the list. Please can you check that you are happy with the entry and the description (roll over the link to read the description) and alert us to any mistakes or chnages that should be made. If you know of other Zimbabwean bloggers that should be included, please let us know. If you have linked to us in the past, please can you ensure that the link reflects our new blog address.

marlow said...

I am honored and I have updated your link.
Thanks and all the best,

PS: you can find my email on the link: write to me", but perhaps it is not very visible, thanks for this too.