Thursday, June 30, 2005

Nice resume

While the MSM is abuzz with Ahmadinejad's past career as a kidnapper (and conveniently forgot and forgets that he is wanted for murder in Germany and Austria), someone is looking at the real implications of Iran's latest "elections" result:

"Israel might need to launch a pre-emptive attack against Iran, even if the international military and diplomatic reprisals that follow might bring immense pressure upon Israel itself," Corsi said in a keynote address to the Knesset's prestigious Forum on the Middle East.

Peaceful change in Iran is possible, Corsi testified, but only if the international community acts now to support reformist groups.

But of course the peace-loving Europeans will walk softly and talk softly, afraid to miss out on some lucrative business deal with the new talibans, until there will be no other option but war. Haven't we seen this before?

In the meantime, read the letter that the Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran has addressed to the G8 leaders (thanks Stefania).

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