Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Iran rude and crude

The Iranian minister for culture and Islamic guidance, Mohammad Hossein Safar Harandi, has announced that by March, the government will give the Iranian Professional Journalist Association one million dollars to be distributed "as they see fit among the journalists". The 'gift' was announced just one week after a C-130 military plane crashed into a ten-storey building killing killed 108 people including dozens of journalists who were on board the flight.

The offer of money also comes after the union called for an independent investigation into the accident.

"This decision is not linked to the recent tragic events..."

Very subtle...

On Sunday, December 11th the Islamic regimes radio praised Ahmadinejads anti-Semitic comments and called them “accordant with Islamic rule” (ht: Pamela).

Well, if that is what your Islamic rule says, then your Islam must go.

Iran's hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stood by his latest controversial attack against Israel and boldly asserted the world was "on the verge of change", according to AFP.

You can bet your ass on it. Especially if your words are correctly interpreted as a declaration of war.

However, what puzzles me is why Ahmadinejad has chosen to justify in advance any defensive (at this point) action Israel might want to undertake against Iran.

Israel's armed forces have been ordered by Ariel Sharon, the prime minister, to be ready by the end of March for possible strikes on secret uranium enrichment sites in Iran, military sources have revealed.

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