Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Zimbabwe bankruptcy

A week ago the Zimbabwean dollar was trading at about 25 000 to US$1 (about R6) on the parallel market, which is where many manufacturers source foreign currency to fund imports. On Thursday it had touched Z$45 000 to US$1 (about R6).

Johannesburg - Unusual and desperate public appeals to South Africa, China and even impoverished Namibia for help have raised new fears Zimbabwe's battered economy is moving inexorably toward meltdown.

Everyone, I believe, has finally realized that Mugabe and his party thugs are incapable of implementing any policy that has not to do with their remaining in power and accumulate more wealth. People are dying because of this and the whole of Africa is shouldering the consequences of the mismanagement of this imbecile.

In 1879, Egypt's economy was in such a shambles that the British and French governments initiated a stewardship of its finances, quickly bringing them under control. Think about it.

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